Failed to create Retention Policy in Sharepoint 365

Not applicable

I am using SharePoint 365 E3 Trial Subscription to test our application. In one of tests we need to create a Retention Policy for preserving content from SharePoint sites. When I'm trying to create a policy, I'm getting the following error:


We failed to communicate with SharePoint because of: 'The request was aborted: The request was canceled.'.

Request: /api/RetentionCompliance Status code: 500

Exception: Microsoft.Exchange.PswsClient.PswsException

Diagnostic information: {Version:16.00.2265.005,Environment:WEUPROD,DeploymentId:7deb614ab723416aa8242d781f6fc114,InstanceId:WebRole_IN_2,SID:993e89b2-3df5-40c5-b5af-09ee3cf93f38,CID:65dac505-cf25-43ff-86c7-371c8566c9cc} Time: 2018-04-16T13:03:39.6303371Z



How can I resolve this issue or does anyone know any workaround for it?

6 Replies

That looks like an issue on the backend, hardly anything you can do. FWIW, I just created a new policy an targeted some SPO site, worked fine. It might have been a temporary issue, so try again. If it still happens, open a support case.

Hi, Vasil!


This issue is occuring for 5 days. It happens only when I'm including SharePoint or OneDrive into the created policy. The support case in Office 365 Admin Center is opened for 3 days but I did not get any answers for it.


I'm getting the same error on a newly created tenant. I'm trying to publish two labels on a specific site.


Have you gotten any answers yet?



Hi, Thomas

Microsoft's technical support member confirmed that the issue exists, and Microsoft will fix it, but he doesn't know when. He advised to try PowerShell scripts for creating policies.

Thank you for a quick feedback :-). It's a waiting game then... :o


I've had a ticket open for this exact error message when trying to create a retention policy in the Security and Compliance center, It has been the same on several newly created tenants. Today all of a sudden it started working so something must have been changed in the back end.