Enable Geolocation column in SPO Modern Lists

Copper Contributor

Hi, Is it possible to enable the Geolocation column in a modern SharePoint list?


The idea is to add all the Client stores in a list and add GPS coordinations to display on a map?


Is there a better way to do it, maybe with PowerBI?


Thanks in advance.

2 Replies
I believe Geolocation columns are not supported in modern lists...but what you requires to do could be achieved in two possible ways:
1) Column formatting (Not clear if column formatting allows this kind of customization)
2) By developing a SPFx WebPart that renders list info. in the way you want

Thanks for that reply @Juan Carlos González Martín

Not a big fan of dev on SharePoint. 


On the client's public website there is already a list and a map view with all their stores. Maybe I must rather try and use that then to reinvent the wheel...

PowerBI must also have something that can assist...Will have a look to see if there is a thread for PowerBI