Count of Items in List Meeting Criteria

Copper Contributor

I have a list (Tracker) with columns for User Name and Status.  I am looking to create a table in another page which shows count of items assigned to a particular user and their status.


For Examples -

User Name Completed In Progress Not Started
User 1 4 2 1
User 2 8 0 1


How do I achieve this?




3 Replies
I can think on the following ways:
(1) By means of some custom code that read your tracker list, make the count calculations and shows the data in the format you want
(2) Same idea, but using PowerApps instead...the downside of PowerApps approach is that you don't have a way Today (it's coming) to add a PowerApp in a SPO page

I would try to add 3 calculated columns, like


Column name: Completed - Value: =IF([Status]="Completed", 1, 0)

Column name: In Progress - Value: =IF([Status]="In Progress", 1, 0)

Column name: Not Started - Value: =IF([Status]="Not Started", 1, 0)


Then use some JSLink to be able to Sum on the calculated columns, and finally create a view grouped by UserName, and with totals on all calculated columns


For JSLink Info related to SharePoint online:

Hello Juan,


Would you be able to help with achieving the below -


(1) By means of some custom code that read your tracker list, make the count calculations and shows the data in the format you want