Can we change calendar (Date & Time) as per the custom field.

Copper Contributor

Can we change calendar (Date & Time) as per the custom field.


Description –


  1. We have created one custom filed with dropdown options and this custom field we are using for selecting different Location.
  2. Different location have different availability.
    1. Example: One location maybe available on Monday & Friday with service availability between 8am to 5pm.

                                         Another Location maybe available on Wednesday & Thursday with service availability between 11am to 8pm.

  1. Currently we can map different calendar settings with different service using MS Booking admin panel, this is existing functionality.
  2. Now once we open the booking app and change the services the available date and time get changed as per the MS Booking admin panel settings (Mentioned under point 3). This is existing functionality.
  3. Now We want to map different calendar settings with different location using MS Booking admin panel or any other available option.
  4. After that once we open the booking app and change the locations the available date and time should get changed as per the MS Booking admin panel settings (Mentioned under point 5).


Please feel free to reach out to us for any additional details.



Venkata Rami Reddy

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