Create a redirect Functionality to Modern SharePoint Page (Communication Site) based on selection.

Copper Contributor



We are trying to create a Redirection functionality based on country selection button click.


We have 2-pages Country A and Country B in SharePoint communication site.  Then we have a home page containing buttons Country A and Country B.


Scenario 1


On the Home page when user clicks Country A button an entry is should be made on SharePoint List.  And redirected to Country A page.


Scenario 2


When the Same user opens the home page based his entry on the SharePoint List, he / she should be redirected to Country A page. (If there is no entry in the SharePoint List the button on the home page should be shown as per scenario 1)


Note - Please let us know if there is any OOTB functionality in modern SharePoint Online to achieve the above requirement. 



Venkata Rami Reddy

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