Nov 29 2021 11:06 AM
Hi, I'm a SharePoint SysAdmin and need to understand the way to access SharePoint Online site to: drop, Acces or delete file to libraires. Just need to clarify my knowledge to argue with the development Team
There seem to be 3 API to accès sites:
and the new one Microsoft Graph
Is theres others?
With one is the best et secure way to use?
Sebastien Lepage
Nov 29 2021 12:57 PM
In a few words resuming.
For modern development in SharePoint Online, Microsoft released SPFx so developers become as 3rd parties. This is the new approach to developers create WebParts or created Teams Extensions and interact with the full abstraction layer for some Microsoft Cloud Services, such as Bookings, Calendar, Delve, Excel, Microsoft 365 compliance eDiscovery, Microsoft Search, OneDrive, OneNote, Outlook/Exchange, People (Outlook contacts), Planner, SharePoint, Teams, To Do, Workplace Analytics. That is called Microsoft Graph
Relative to your question in order to "drop, Access or delete file to libraries" this can be done directly in a WebPart, there is no need to use MS Graph, but you should create a governance committee to use it.
You can consume CSOM Endpoints exposed as an API, or consuming directly by Rest API information on lists, so as Microsoft Graph endpoints, or use An Enterprise Application or App Registrations registered in your Azure Tenant.
With one is the best et secure way to use?
It depends on the Problem to solve, but You should give access to Microsoft Graph to developers, because in Online you cannot Elevate Privilege's as used before using SSOM (Server Side Object Model) this can be accomplished with your reality, and as a Developer I suggest you do it.
This is only my opinion, hope that helped you.
Dec 01 2021 12:43 PM
Dec 01 2021 12:57 PM