Oct 26 2016 02:04 PM
Specifically, how do you work around these two issues, because I feel like I'm going to lose interest on this (especially with senior leadership who want something that works now, not in 6 months) and everyone is going to jump to another product, which is a little disheartening since I see Groups being, as a whole, really strong.
Please help! I desperately want Office 365 Groups and Planner to work for us, and many of the users want to stay in the same app/have one login, but these issues are causing some serious adoption problems.
Oct 30 2016 02:58 PM
It's a challenging one, and with the product really on the market for 4 months there's still a lot of tweaks coming down the line that will help with user adoption.
While everyone works differently, my advice to people is to keep tasks.office.com open (as well as Yammer, but that's for other reasons) for the majority of their day so they can quickly and easily see what they have on their plate.
Unfortunately we can't force people to be subscribed to notifications, so it's an overall adoption thing of working together as a team and regularly checking the tool they work with.
I know that's not an ideal answer to your question, and the immediate user resistance will come from having to open another page/app where they already have a bunch open. Unfortunately I've found this is the best approach though - to make people want to keep on top of it.