Partner Success Core Benefits - Windows Server license

Copper Contributor


we are evaluating to move from Action Pack to Partner Success Core Benefits. The only dubt I have is related to Windows Server licenses. On benefits list are reported 8 core license of windows server Standard/Datacenter. As minimum required licenses per server is 16 core, how we can proceed in order to integrate?

6 Replies

Thank you for posting to the community. Please allow me to research. 


We appreciate your patience. 

Hi @Alessandro_Ferrari 


In order to best assist, would you mind stating your specific questions about 

  • Action Pack
  • Partner Success Core Benefits

Standing by :smile:




Microsoft CSP Licensing Concierge

Hi, @LicensingConcierge1 

Currently we have an active Action Pack subscription which includes 16 Windows Server core licenses.


Following your license guide "Each physical server, including single-processor servers, needs to be licensed with a minimum of 16 core licenses." (Microsoft Windows Server | Microsoft Licensing Resources)


We are evaluating to upgrade our Action Pack to "Partner Success Core Benefits", but as it includes only 8 Windows Server Core licenses it does not meet minumum requirements for a full server license. (View full details of the Solutions Partner benefits and requirements)


So my question is: how can we use the licenses included in "Partner Success Core Benefits"? Can we purchase additional windows server core licenses separately?


Thanks and regards,




Currently we have an active Action Pack subscription which includes 16 Windows Server core licenses

Action Pack does include certain product licenses; however, I don't see where the Windows licenses are included - Microsoft Partner Benefits and Offerings | Compare Offers




Do you have documentation that I can review that confirms the core licenses are included w/ your Action Pack? 

Hi @LicensingConcierge1,

On "Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program Benefits Guide" ( is reported on page 5 "Partner Success Core Benefits" :



Instead on page 31 "License table for Microsoft Action Pack" is reported:







Sorry but I still don't understand. Let me rephrase my question:

My question is: if I purchase Partner Success Core Benefits, how can I reach the minimum number of core licenses required for a Windows Server installation?