More precision with Message center

Silver Contributor

I'd like to see more from the Message center, with additional visual cues of upcoming changes and more specifics.  This would give customers more context, the need for less cross-referencing with blogs and such and further guidance all from a single point.  Here are a few examples:


Updated Feature: New sharing tab in OneDrive for Business Admin center MC125181


I think an annotated markup pointing out the new changes would aid understanding of what's different.  I went to the find what had actually changed and whether I'd received this update but I couldn't be sure what was new or things to look out for.  The Additional information link didn't really provide any clarity in this regards.


New Feature: Focused Inbox MC125218


More specifics about when these changes would reach Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted) and Semi-Annual Channel would be much more useful, as this will be the most common version for many companies.  Listing this directly in the post would give much more context.


Updated feature: Office 365 App launcher MC124492


While all the information is useful including the linked article with video demo, it's left open some questions that have come up since in some discussions that haven't been clarified:


Will users receive these three changes (new, app gallery and launcher) all at the same time, will different browsers/OS have any effect, what about the nav bar that is seemingly removed, any known issues like the "We can't show your recent docs right now" error, why can't some of the apps be unpinned etc.


With the above being classed a major update, with 30 days of notice of being in First Release, I think that should only start when a feature is fully available to test.  In this case, 10 days are left to possible GA and I haven't seen the new experience as an example.  I'd personally like to see the clock reset with this major update and the testing phase restarted when all the pieces are in position, if that's at all practical. 


How about also having some questionnaire, rating or feedback option other than Like/Dislike for MC posts. Final point, what about having a test script for some of these major updates that direct customers to try different aspects of features and various permutations. 


None of this is to knock the work that's gone into Message center and improvements like major updates, I just wonder could more information be provided alongside these changes.


Anyone else feel the same or have there own examples?

1 Reply

Thanks for this feedback! I would like to address some of your questions about the new Office 365 web experiences directly.

While the new Office 365 launcher, Office 365 gallery and the new are complementary experiences, the gallery and roll out changes faster as they are stand-alone experiences vs. being integrated across Office 365.  It is only the app launcher that is rolling out through First Release. 

The new Office 365 gallery is currently available to all users in production. The new is currently rolling out to a % of the overall user base and is expected to be exposed to 100% of users within a few weeks. There is a possibility for the new that different users could see varying experiences based on OS/Browser. We are working to change this moving forward to ensure that an individual user has the same experience regardless of varying browsers.  

For the new launcher, there is an FAQ for the new launcher available at this location.  We will add an FAQ around your question around pinning apps to the navbar. With the new Office 365 app launcher's more personalized default experience, we removed the ability to pin applications to the top. Any application that is used recently from the top will be pinned to the main view of the new launcher experience upon first use.

As far as additional mechanisms for feedback for Office 365 in the web, another mechanism for feedback that we triage and review weekly is the feedback button on 

Hopefully this helps a bit, thanks again for the detailed feedback.