PSF Tool Not working in Windows 11 build

Brass Contributor



In Windows 11 machine, I am using PSF tool available in Microsoft Store.  Is there any limitation while using PSF tool in Windows 11 or is it compatible with Win 11, because while trying to use PSF tool, the tool is not able to inject PSF files like (config.json, psflauncher.exe, fixup dll files) into MSIX package.


Is there any new version of PSF Tools available out side of the store, if yes, could you please provide direct download link. 

I visited your website, the latest version is 5.3.0 and the same is available in Microsoft Store also. I didn't this type of issue in earlier version of PSF Tool in Win 11.

Could you please suggest.

1 Reply
There is no (known) issue with Windows 11 compatibility with PsfTooling. Please contact me via email tmangan at my company dot com; although I am out on travel this week.

In the interim, older versions of the tool are at the bottom of the download page .

Keep in mind that due to differences in store publishing, you must uninstall then install to change a package from the store version to the non-store version or back.