MSIX Helper

Copper Contributor

I created a small MSIX helper tool to bring back some of the common compatibitity issues when repackaging (legacy) applications using the MSIX packaging format. This includes the following:


- Set the current working directory when the target executables are launched.
- Pass arguments to the target executables when launched.
- Start non-executable targets like weblinks or scripts.
- Start external executables that are not part of the MSIX package environment.
- Set session environment variables for the launched target executables.
- Perform basic script actions before and after the targets are launched.
- Start external (non-containerized) executables inside the MSIX package environment.
- Use of relative (VFS or PVAD) paths for setting environments variables, performing script actions and launching the targets.


This tool can be used as an alternative for the Packaging Support Framework (PSF) but it will not replace all the functions that are currently being supported by the PSF. It will however give an easier way to control how a target (executable) is being started. Controling the MSIX Helper executable is done using an INI file. Please read the provided documentation. This tool is free to use and the sourcecode is available for everyone. Any feedback will be appreciated.


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