Modyfing Update settings in VS app installer template fails

Copper Contributor

I am trying to modify the udpate settings for my MSIX package by adding a custom app installer file to my Windows Application Packaging Project in visual studio 2022. If i publish with this default template without making changes, i can see that the template is indeed used.

However when i then modify the template to add custom update settings, such as setting ShowPrompt to true, after publishing and trying to open the app installer file, i get a parsing error that says "Cannot open app package. Error in parsing the app package." 

It seems that the error only occurs for some settings as I am able to add the 
option without any issues. 

Basically I would like the following update settings to be applied:

<OnLaunch HoursBetweenUpdateChecks="0"

Does anyone know what the issue is and how i can make it work?

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