Issue with MSIX Packaged Application Starting Only with Admin Privileges

Copper Contributor

Hello everyone,


I've developed an application that runs perfectly fine with standard user privileges when installed using the traditional setup.exe procedure. However, when I convert and install the same application using the MSIX packaging process, I'm facing an unexpected behavior. The application launches only when executed with administrator privileges, even though the application itself doesn't require such elevated access.


Just to provide a bit more context, I've developed the application with lower privilege requirements, as it's designed to be installed in the "Local" folder on the computer. While the MSIX package does an excellent job of simulating the classic installation folder structure, the application, once installed, fails to write essential configuration files to the same folder that contains the executable file. These files are crucial for the program's proper functioning upon its first launch.

I've tried experimenting with various privilege settings within the MSIX package, even ticking all available privileges, but unfortunately, the issue persists. Here's where it gets even more intriguing. If I create the package with the Debug mode enabled and start the application with admin privileges, it manages to write the necessary files for its startup. It's as if the debugging environment adds an extra layer of writing permission.


Has anyone else encountered such a situation? I would greatly appreciate any insights, recommendations, or potential solutions that the community might have to offer. This issue is making me scratch my head, and I'm hoping that some of you might have encountered something similar and found a workaround.


Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.


2 Replies

Hi @CrisHK 
This could be related to registry key permissions under HKLM (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)Read more here.
Can you share which registry keys your application is trying to access? 

Fiza Azmi

Hi@fizaazmi ,


As of now, I've temporarily put the project on hold due to the absence of a viable solution. Anyway, thnak you so much  because your suggestion to investigate registry key permissions certainly provides me a new direction for exploration.

In the upcoming weeks, I plan to resume work on the project, and I'll delve deeper into the specifics of the registry keys my application is trying to access. This will enable me to better understand and address the issue.


Thank you again and keep in touch,
