Wish To Remove guest account from MS teams desktop App

Copper Contributor

How i can remove guest account from MS teams desktop App



36 Replies
I have this same problem. The Guest account shows in the Desktop app but not in myaccount page. I want to remove it from my account when I no longer have the ability to login to it.
But what if I don't want to remove myself from the organization, I just want to remove the account from Teams? I have 5 different client logins in the dropdown that I want to remove all but 1. I may do work for them in the future, but for now, I want to clean it up. Is this not possible?

I also have this problem. I have a guest login to my wife's previous workplace that we used once to discuss dinner plans before leaving work. Now I can not login to the account or remove myself from the organization (since I am not in it!). However, it still shows up in teams. How do I remove it / hide it / reject an invitation?

Has this ever been progressed? This is a real nuisance and problem, and I need to remove old/temporary organisations. Can we get a resolution please Microsoft?
Some work has been done, but it might be not what you are waiting for: https://office365itpros.com/2021/12/15/manage-guest-accounts-from-microsoft-teams/

@Juan Carlos González Martín 


I've had a look, but like others, this is only good if:


1. You can still access the original organisation

2. You need to completely leave that organisation


Thus a previous employer or a current employer where you have had to temporarily use your own device for a meeting and you now don't want to see that organisation on your personal device (for risk of accidental selection) then this won't work. Seems a huge shortcoming in a collaboration application does it not?





We have exactly the same as well. In our case we had our distributor setup a new tenant for a customer and they made a mistake and created 3 tenants (one of which we use now, 2 got deleted). All 3 show in our users teams, one that is correct and a guest in the other two. The tenants have been deleted and we cannot remove them from the Teams Windows application. This is frustrating and confusing for the end users of this company. The only good thing is, it doesn't apply to new users only existing.

Check the accounts in the Windows 10 Settings. I had a user set up a person Microsoft account and Teams would ask for him to pick which one he wanted to log in as. I ended up finding the account in (I believe) the Other accounts settings and removing it from there. 

I don't use Windows. This is basic functionality that should work in the web browser or any of the client apps.

This is not a fix of its from a corporate Azure account you used to sign into Teams only, and also if you no longer have access to the account.

@Amardeep1001 , not sure if that's you case exactly, but if you cannot remove a guest user from a group where you are the owner, then you could try doing that from the mobile phone (that was the only way it worked for me, not having an Azure admin account, but as the owner of the group)



I did leave the organisation but the guest is still shown by my teams.

It is infuriating. I wish it is removed completely.

Please, could you give me any advice how to remove it permanently.

guest in teams.png



I have the same issue as well. I can't remove myself as a "Guest" of an organisation I don't have access to any more. Even worse is on my phone it seems to trigger multiple 2FA checks, after accepting the popup in Authenticator 2-4 times it finally lets me sign in.

I have the same issue:
wish to remove from Teams an account that has been disabled.

Online I can access this page


If I press Leave it carry me to a mfa page


But probably that is not even a phone number because no one has set it.

It's very annoying, hope that someone will fix this.


What about removing an org from an email address that someone has added that doesn't have a backend Microsoft Account.. like a gsuite account.. I can't even login to https://myaccount.microsoft.com/organizations to leave .. unless you have a valid O365 account.. right ?
I got added as external/guest with a gsuite email which worked to login to Teams app.. but I have a stuck org under said email/account .. and can't leave.

Because clicking this cross-link.. .




... segways to logging into account.. prompts for email.. but does not take said email...



I have the same issue. I can't leave an organization to which I added my private account earlier for testing reasons. Just yesterday I found out, that the organization is still linked because cleared cached data of the mobile app of teams and the guest account was suggested for login. I have left the organisation about 3 1/2 years ago and therfore have no access anymore to the account from which I had initiated the tests and added my private account.

It is ridiculous that the guest account remains connected even though the only contacted 'real' organisation account has been deleted. It really should be possible to cancel/clear such a connection later on from the personal account and not just as administrator from the tenant side.

By the way: When I logged in at teams.microsoft.com with the guest account I needed to activate MFA. Now, when I login again, I first have to enter the MFA code for the personal account and then the one for the guest account. That behaviour alone shows that there is a developement design flaw.