What means when Teams says meeting started...

Bronze Contributor


I was on Teams meeting, and before I joined to that I got the standard popup when someone else joins to the meeting "John Doe started the meeting". Then we had the meeting, and then bye bye.


But then (after five mins) I got a new pop up "Jane Doe started the meeting" from the same meeting.


As we are not able "stop" the meeting on Teams, I started to wonder what does this really means? I though the first phase was already started the meeting. Or could it be so, that word "started" is just misleading.


But then I have other problem. On the policies I could define: "Let anonymous people start a meeting", but even I have disabled that I could still see the messages where "Guest started the meeting".


Anybody knows if there is a wider idea behind that popup?




1 Reply

Well meetings aren't just one-off instances, even if you haven't configured any recurrence a meeting can be started/ended multiple times, at any time. Also, Guests are not considered "anonymous", they have an account in your Azure AD instance, so I'd wager this is the expected behavior.