Urgent : Restrict oubound calls to make only certain numbers not all

Brass Contributor

Hello All


i would like to know any features or options available in MS Teams Direct routing to restrict the outbound calls to the specific numbers alone. Eg userA can only able to dial and speak to certain  numbers either by dial plan or SBC level. 


4 Replies

@ramki1465 I don't think there is an option to block outbound calls for a user for a certain number. 


you can control the user outbound calls from the user blade as below. you can't disallow it or choose domestic calls only. 




Thanks any possibllity in SBC end
Voice routing policies is exactly what you're looking for (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/manage-voice-routing-policies). Basic work flow:

- Create PSTN Usage
- Create voice route (your selected numbers you want to allow, don't forget to include your local emergency numbers)
- Assign voice route to PSTN usages
- Create voice routing policy that references those PSTN uages
- Assign voice routing policy to user

As for the SBC level, you didn't mention your SBC, but I'd imagine that would be possible as well based on inbound/outbound call destinations. For example on an AudioCode SBC you might create a routing rule that says source <user> destination <your allowed number> destination <carrier>, then an alternate rule that says source <user> destination <*> reject.
Thanks Jangliss . Let me check