Teams get link function only shows sharepoint link

Brass Contributor



Team owner A suddenly can't create Teams Link to a pdf, only Sharepoint Link. Owner B can, so can members. Why does this happen?


  • IT administration did not change any sharing options
  • Troubleshooting Client
  • Same problem appears in webapp
  • reinstalled App, emptied all Teams App caches, Internet Explorer Caches


22 Replies

@Mnemikk Thanks for bringing this up, even though I discover it with some delay due to some strange behaviour at a customer of mine... I thought I was seeing ghosts...   


I hardly ever react to changes made in 365 - every change is good for some and bad for others...  but this one? really?  


I don't see how this could be good for anyone?  First they push you to Teams - now they push you out again. It's bad for internal user, but for guests it makes using Teams no better than using a SharePoint site without Teams. Especially guests who have their own tenant as well, they are totally lost with this experience.


Same bad decision is made in the Search experience in Teams, where you constantly jump out of Teams to see the content. I wonder if people who decide these things, actually use Teams themselves, cause then you would never ever make this decision.

This is inane, even for Microsoft. We've spent two years on Teams adoption, working to get users happier working in Teams than in SharePoint. Now Microsoft pulls this stunt and sets us back to square one.


I confirmed with Microsoft Unified Support that this feature is in fact gone.


Nice going, guys! Did you ask any user if they wanted this? At the very least, can you make SharePoint links work in Teams? When I create a SharePoint link and then try to open the link in Teams, I get "Hmm...looks like this file doesn't have a preview we can show you." with a Download button (see screen shot below). Incidentally, this link is to an Excel file.


DOWNLOAD? REALLY? Doesn't that negate the whole purpose of cloud-based collaboration?





agree, and they call themselves hub/platform....then why jump to another place