Quote chat message in reply on desktop

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Brass Contributor

When chatting on the mobile version, I can tap-hold a chat message and get a "reply" option that quotes the original message in the reply.  How can I do this with the desktop app?

73 Replies


The fastest way (I like to be as efficient as possible) is:

1. Double-click the message you want to reply to (this will select the whole message. Speed over small disadvantage - quote will include also the author name and date/time).
2. Ctrl + C (Copy)
3. Tab (force focus on your typing area)
4. Write ">" (greater then, Shift + . (dot))
5. Ctrl + V (Paste)
6. Double Enter (Enter, Enter)
7. Write your response for the quoted message
8. Enter for send

Note 1: After double-click (step 1) steps 2 -> 6 should be very fast (with practice) ~1 second.


Note 2: This can also be integrated into a keyboard macro because it is using only keyboard shortcuts (except for the step 1 - double-click).

Good luck.

Too much steps, I'll wait for a reply button :D

I agree, here's something simplified in 3 steps for you ;)

1. Double-click the message you want to reply to
2. Ctrl + C, Tab, >(Shift + .), Ctrl + V, Enter, Enter
3. <write your response for the quoted message> + Enter (to send)

It's 2021 already, Microsoft should have already complete developing or porting this feature over to the desktop version. The mobile Android app version is so convenient when comes to reply on specific message quote :)

@Pernille-Eskebo should listen to users and add this feature to the desk-top app. We have waited for a long time for it. 

I see someone share "another way" to do it. But it's just "format a text as a quote", not "quote a message".

OK, this looks promising. Let's hope we can get it this month :) April 2021

There's another options for those of you that still waste your time with the click, click, click, click, click, click solutions. Which I bet are geeks like me that do not mind having a little challenge to accomplish a task, but I would never use this for personal use when my family already use platforms that works as they should and do not have in backlogs essential items that should've be there from the beginning.

If you want to read the Post/Reply link workaround is the last sentence, which is adding yet about four more steps to the already lengthy steps suggested here. But to the developers I want to say this. From developer to developer.


I heard is in the backlog, and so on, as fixing the documentation for developers has been for a long time, which is a big click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click mess to find what you are looking for. The desktop OS should be rename to Click OS, instead of Windows. Because everything in the Microsoft Office developers perspective is to open windows or forms to accomplish stuff you could do with just one click.

This is the same reason why developers do not like to develop for Microsoft. If it takes this long for their own developers to add something so critical and "a must" for a chat app. Specially when the feature is available for so long on Android and iOS. This tells us that not even MS developers care squat about Windows.


"Optics" are important, your own OS should be the prime time for your apps. Outlook is definitely better on Windows than any other Platform, but Outlook was develop when developers loved Windows. Not so anymore. So if you do not care about your platform why do we as developers should.

From my perspective, about 80% of the documentation is done using Mac OS screenshots. I haven't used Mac OS version of Teams if there's any. But again, optics. If your developers do not care about your platform why should we care about it?


This shouldn't be in the backlog in the first place, this should've be a priority.

The Linking to Post/Reply Workaround


Another solution in the meantime, probably we get the feature... Send the comment to want to reply as an Outlook Link... Copy the link when you receive it... And add the link to the quote. That at least will link the others to the comment you are referring to.

@Marco13_457 - I randomly came across a shortcut to pop up the quote box directly into the chat, makes it a slight bit quicker - Shift+ .(period). this would cut out steps 2-4 in your workaround below


Still clunky for something that should have it's own option anyway, but maybe makes life that lil bit easier :)

TEAMS - REPLY (Desktop version)
1. Mark the post/reply and Copy to Clipboard (Ctrl+C)
2. Select "Type a new message" field and then press Shift and > (Greater than Symbol) (Not Right arrow)
3. Paste (Ctrl+V) and press the "Enter" key two times
4. Type your New message that you want to Reply to the message copied.
5. click "Send"
Yes, most of the time we use desktop for Teams, since work form home has become the norm. I can't understand why Microsoft is unable to provide such a highly useful feature.



Thank you very much for your detailed instruction. Most helpful!

@Lionel Roels Where is it in this link?

Awful work around ha

Latest update postponed from April 2021 to July 2021 lol...


Microsoft 365 Roadmap | Microsoft 365


it is still not developed, and that is over a year after your first query. I am very confused as to why it is so so difficult to develop, if EVERY single messenger has this type of function already, in the app- and web-variations...


I hate not being able to reply to specific messages


you can also slide to the right and save yourself the tap-tapping :)


Have fun sliding!

The whole point of this conversation is that you cannot do that on Teams desktop. And now not even sending the conversation to Outlook carries the link to the conversation, so instead of making Teams better the developers made it worst.

We keep receiving unnecessary features but the most essential is still in the backlogs.
Gosh I can't believe that this feature is note even there yet.
Is it that difficult? Now that people are using it for emergency chat for COVID-19 related policies it makes me gets even more frustrated to track crucial info: MANUAL QUOTE!!!!
Thanks a lot Microsoft