Private Teams Channels being hidden (entirely) from view - even from Owners

Copper Contributor

With the New Teams client, Users have started to report that channels they are members of or in some cases owners of have been hidden from selection.  They aren't even in the "Hidden Channels" option. They are nowhere.


If you open the Team in Sharepoint and Navigate to where the channel should be the channel folder is visible and can be opened (as you would expect for a member/owner).  If you then choose Go to Channel from Sharepoint the channel will (after first loading Teams in a browser and asking if you want to Go to Teams) reappear in the main list.

It's not been widely reported to myself as you don't realise until you go to use a channel that it's missing but it's not a one off, it's happened several times on different channels and some users have simply been requesting to be removed from a team and readded to resolve this (often using other Owners to do this so I don't hear of it).  Is there a known issue with channels?  It seems to be Private channels that are impacted, or at least that's the common factor in all reports I've had.

1 Reply

I see the same issue, and I also have an issue when navigating to a team from our custom app in Teams - where the entire list of teams and channels is hidden in New Teams.
In other words - the team displays the entire window - which is kinda nice (same as expanding the tab) - however there is no way to collapse it again.

So I will follow this thread and hopefully get some valuable responses regarding hidden channels.