Microsoft Teams - Windows App - Enlighten app / Windows Information Protection



when Organization has Intune, and configured MAM scenario using Windows Information protection, it protects company data by using offical supported enlighted apps (like Word, Outlook, Edge, Paint).

However, Microsoft Teams - Windows desktop app is not on the list and not supported.

Meaning, that user can access SharePoint files and other company data without protection.


Are there any plans to implement features so Teams app will be "enlighted"?




4 Replies

@hkusulja >Did you get any information on this?

@Ryan__W No, as I see, Microsoft Teams on Windows 10 desktop is still not enlighted app :(

Thanks @hkusulja > I've got a ticket open with Microsoft on this so will share back if they provide any updates.

@Ryan__W  Microsoft Teams is an enlightened app.