How can I revoke assignment of personal TeamsFilesPolicy to user?

Copper Contributor

To remove the Files tab from the Teams channel i found the solution to set the Global TeamsFilesPolicy Settings to:


Identity : Global
NativeFileEntryPoints : Disabled
SPChannelFilesTab : Disabled


Because I did not want to directly change the global settings for the whole Organisation before exactly knowing that is going to happen I decided to first try this Settings with a custom Policy on my Own user account.


For this I proceeded as described here:


Turn off Teams Native File Upload policy - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Learn


I did run the commands using the Microsoft PowerShell in the following order:


1. New-CsTeamsFilesPolicy -Identity UserPolicy -SPChannelFilesTab Disabled


2. Grant-CsTeamsFilesPolicy -identity "email address removed for privacy reasons" -PolicyName UserPolicy


Until to that point everything worked as expected.








But then i tried to remove the assignment of this new created TeamsFilesPolicy "UserPolicy" from the user "email address removed for privacy reasons".



First I tried it with the command:


Remove-CsTeamsFilesPolicy -Identity UserPolicy


which gives me the following error:


Remove-CsTeamsFilesPolicy : The policy "UserPolicy" is currently assigned to one or more users or groups. Ensure
policy is not assigned before removing.
In Zeile:1 Zeichen:1
+ Remove-CsTeamsFilesPolicy -Identity UserPolicy
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: ({ ConfigType = ... = UserPolicy }:<>f__AnonymousType92`2) [Remove-CsT
eamsFilesPolicy], Exception
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ClientError,Microsoft.Teams.ConfigApi.Cmdlets.RemoveCsTeamsFilesPolicy



I can assure you that this policy is only assigned to the one user "email address removed for privacy reasons".






Then I tried to use the following approach:


Grant-CsTeamsFilesPolicy -Identity email address removed for privacy reasons -PolicyName "$null"


This command works fine, but when i later check which polices are assigned to the user "email address removed for privacy reasons" with the command:


Get-CsUserPolicyAssignment -Identity email address removed for privacy reasons


I get the follwoing output:



PolicyType                     PolicyName            PolicySource
----------                        ----------               ------------

xxxxx                                  xxxxx                         xxxxx

xxxxx                                  xxxxx                         xxxxx

xxxxx                                  xxxxx                         xxxxx

TeamsFilesPolicy         UserPolicy            {UserPolicy}

xxxxx                                  xxxxx                         xxxxx

xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx



Which tells me that Granting the "policy" $null did not work.








Can anyone tell me how i remove the user specific policy "UserPolicy" from any choosen user so that the global policy will be active again?


Thanks for your help!


7 Replies
Try using $null without the quotes.
Hi Vasil, thanks a lot for your reply. Sadly this results in the same behavoiour like the command with the quotes. The command is acceptet but the UserPolicy stays assigned.

You sure about that? Might be a replication delay, but if you're still seeing the old value best open a support case.


[18:10:44][Login script]# Get-CsUserPolicyAssignment -User email address removed for privacy reasons

PolicyType         PolicyName                 PolicySource
----------         ----------                 ------------
LocationProfile    US                         {US}
MeetingPolicy      BposSAllModality           {BposSAllModality}
MobilityPolicy     MobilityEnableOutsideVoice {MobilityEnableOutsideVoice}
TeamsFilesPolicy   UserPolicy                 {UserPolicy}
TeamsMeetingPolicy RestrictedAnonymousAccess  {RestrictedAnonymousAccess}
TeamsUpgradePolicy UpgradeToTeams             {UpgradeToTeams}

[18:10:47][Login script]# Grant-CsTeamsFilesPolicy -Identity email address removed for privacy reasons -PolicyName $null

[18:11:05][Login script]# Get-CsUserPolicyAssignment -User email address removed for privacy reasons

PolicyType         PolicyName                 PolicySource
----------         ----------                 ------------
LocationProfile    US                         {US}
MeetingPolicy      BposSAllModality           {BposSAllModality}
MobilityPolicy     MobilityEnableOutsideVoice {MobilityEnableOutsideVoice}
TeamsMeetingPolicy RestrictedAnonymousAccess  {RestrictedAnonymousAccess}
TeamsUpgradePolicy UpgradeToTeams             {UpgradeToTeams}


Hi @Vasil Michev I just double checked this morning to make sure and after around 18 hours, the policy is still assigned. So i think we can rule out a replication delay.


I will do as you suggested and conntact the support for further help.


Nevertheless thanks a lot for your help which is much appreciated.


Have a nice day!


@ElCamino_ST in the same situation; did you ever find a way to remove a user from a CsTeamsFilesPolicy?

I confirmed that the given File policy disappears when the value of policyName is simply "" instead of $null.
Grant-CsTeamsFilesPolicy -Identity <UPN> -PolicyName ""