Extended Audio Notifications - Request Feature

Copper Contributor

Hi, I am partially hearing impaired, and I use Teams to communicate with many of my clients and partners.  I know that notifications in Teams can be "customized", but I have not yet found a way to enable a feature that I would like.

When a chat comes in, I can hear an audio notification on my PC usually if I am facing my screen or otherwise paying close attention to my PC. However, if I turn away from my screen for any reason, I often miss these audio notifications for important, time-sensitive chat requests.

Is there a way "out-of-the-box", that Teams can be configured to play audio notifications continuously, unless or until I manually respond to them? If not, are there any third-party apps, add-ins, or perhaps using .NET, to enable such a feature?  Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.


1 Reply
Afaik there is no way to do this in Teams currently. Make sure to post it as idea over at the Feedback portal: https://feedbackportal.microsoft.com/feedback/forum/ad198462-1c1c-ec11-b6e7-0022481f8472