Creating Reusable Teams Meeting

Copper Contributor

Hi there, 

We are a psychology practice and are hoping to make the shift from Zoom to Teams for enhanced security and streamlining of software.


In Zoom there is the option to create a personal meeting room with a link that can be reused again and again. I understand Teams does not have this capability, but if we were to create a meeting that ran for an extended time (say 6 months) where we can reuse the link, are there any issues or limitations with this? Is there a cap on how long meetings can go for? And will the link remain the same? We need the link to stay the same for use with our practice management software


Also, is there a way for a guest to be 'kicked out' of a meeting once the organiser leaves?


Also also, if someone joins the meeting and is in the lobby, is there a way for only the organiser to be made aware of this?


Thank you very much in advance!!!

1 Reply

Hi @BecCook,

here are my answer to your questions:

  1. Teams Meeting Link Reusability:
    Unlike Zoom, Microsoft Teams doesn’t officially offer the feature to create a permanent meeting room. Each Teams meeting creates its own space, so later attendees can see the names and conversations of earlier attendees if the same link is used.

  2. Duration of Meetings:
    Microsoft Teams allows you to host online meetings and video calls for up to 300 people. There’s no specific limit on the length of a single meeting.

  3. Removing a Guest After Organizer Leaves:
    Teams don't currently have a feature that automatically removes all participants when the meeting organizer leaves. However, the organizer can manually end the meeting for all participants.

  4. Organizer Notification When Someone Joins:
    Teams don’t currently have a feature that notifies only the organizer when someone joins the meeting. However, you can enable the Lobby function for everyone, which will notify you when someone wants to join the meeting.

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Leon Pavesic