Checking whether a EDU_Class team has been activated

Copper Contributor

Hi everyone


Is there any good way in PowerShell to check whether a teacher/owner has activated a team assigned to them?


Thanks in advance!

2 Replies

Hi @BrendenJP,

you can try to use this PowerShell script to check if a teacher has activated a team:


# Install Microsoft Teams PowerShell Module
Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Force -AllowClobber
Install-Module -Name Teams -Force -AllowClobber

# Connect to Microsoft Teams using Office 365 credentials

# Check Activation Status for Teams Assigned to the Teacher/Owner
$teacherEmail = "email address removed for privacy reasons"
$teams = Get-TeamUser -User $teacherEmail

foreach ($team in $teams) {
$teamDetails = Get-Team -GroupId $team.GroupId
$isActive = $teamDetails.IsFavoriteByTeacher
$teamName = $teamDetails.DisplayName

Write-Output "Team: $teamName - Activation Status: $isActive"

Let me explain in short what the Script does.

Script installs the Microsoft Teams PowerShell module using `Install-Module` and connects to Microsoft Teams using `Connect-MicrosoftTeams` with Office 365 credentials (use Global Admin account).

Then, it checks the activation status of Teams assigned to the specified teacher/owner (`email address removed for privacy reasons`) using `Get-TeamUser`.

PowerShell script should list all Teams assigned to the teacher/owner and their activation status.


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Kindest regards,

Leon Pavesic


Thank you kindly for your reply, but 


does not seem to be a valid argument for a team and returns an error when I try to call it.