DLP workoads

Brass Contributor

Hello Everyone,


I am looking for white paper or document which talks specifically about each workload such as(Exchange online, Endpoint, Onedrive). We have lot of information on docs, However if any one has specific info on DLP workloads, for ex: benefits of targeting each workload and bestpractices for each workload. Thank you


1 Reply

Hi, @Afsar_Shariff,


I don't have a whitepaper on them; however, I am currently detailing each separate workload for DLP in a blog post. I go over what each workload in detail so maybe my blogs will help answer some of your questions. I will be posting the one regarding on-premises files this Saturday, July 22nd, and then Power BI the following Saturday, all other workloads have been covered.


There may be better documentation or whitepapers out there but hopefully these help!


Intro / SharePoint & OneDrive

Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention – Part 1 – Cloudy Security (cloudy-sec.com)


Endpoint DLP

Microsoft Purview DLP – Part 2 – Endpoint DLP – Cloudy Security (cloudy-sec.com)


Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Purview DLP – Part 3 – Microsoft Teams – Cloudy Security (cloudy-sec.com)


Exchange Online

Microsoft Purview DLP – Part 4 – Exchange DLP – Cloudy Security (cloudy-sec.com)


Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps

Microsoft Purview DLP – Part 5 – 3rd-Party DLP Through MDCA – Cloudy Security (cloudy-sec.com)


On-Premises File Shares

Coming Soon! (I'll edit this comment when the blog is posted)


Power BI

Coming Soon! (I'll edit this comment when the blog is posted)