Tech Community Live: Windows edition
Jun 05 2024, 07:30 AM - 11:30 AM (PDT)
Microsoft Tech Community

Windows Automatic Enrollment Role missing

Brass Contributor



I have an Intune admin and he can do everything in Intune except one thing.

In devices -> Windows -> Windows Enrollment -> Automatic Enrollment he can't change the settings for "None/Some/All".

Which admin role is missing?


Thank you in advance!


Kind regards





6 Replies

Hi @Parmaster hereunder you find the prerequisites to enable the automatic enrollment setting 



in your case enable it using a global admin user 


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Hi @eliekarkafy,

the first two points are already completed.

So the Intune admin need to be a global admin too to change this one setting?

Kind Regards
Correct. Please keep me posted if its worked with global admin.

Please click Mark as Best Response & Like if my post helped you to solve your issue. This will help others to find the correct solution easily.

Hmm that's not ok because I don't want that the Intune admin is also a global admin.
Isn't there any other admin role for that?



So I hope I found the issue!

The Intune Admin was only the Intune Role Admin and not the Intune Service Administrator (aka Intune Admin).

Need to test it soon.

I don't think so because that setting is related to Azure AD as well. you need to enable it one time for all or for a specific group and then you add users and devices to that group as needed.
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I was talking about the correct Intune admin role and not how this settings will work.
I edited my previous text where I explained which is the correct admin role. :)