Error 0x87D1041C at the Intune installation of the Minecraft

Copper Contributor


I got the 0x87D1041C error at the bulk installation Minecraft in the computer classroom. I have prepared the Minecraft in Intune Application  - I have added it from the new Microsot Store, assigned to the computer group and set install as System. After assigning to the group installation started. Approx 10 computers were installed OK. Approx 10 generated the 0x87D1041C  error in Intune monitoring. I explored, that the error apperas every time, when any user in the past installed Minecraft for him individually from the MS Store. The directories with installation exist, but the other users have no start icon Minecraft, can not start it, and remote Intune installation does not work. Do you have somebody any idea? The best solution would be, to force the system to allow for all users use the existing installation. (Yes it is possible log in as the problematic user and uninstall his own Minecraft .... but .... about 25 accounts on 1 computer .... ?)

4 Replies
This is a known issue, even though I've only seen it with the old store apps before. Basically, if you try to install the same app in the system context to a user that already has it installed in user space it may fail with this error. Ben Whitmore over at Patch My PC wrote a script to mitigate the store app, you might be able to tweak it for the Minecraft application:
Or simply re-image the classroom which will take care of the problem too, and don't allow the students to use it until the apps from Intune has been deployed. But's that a sledgehammer-type approach...
Thanks for the tip. I am not the PS script guru, but try this way.
Yes, this is the last possibility ...