DOT NET 4.8.1 packaged app push shows as failed due to detection

Iron Contributor

Trying to push the .NET 4.8.1 through Intune to install and it fails. Cannot find anything relevant to the failure. Any thoughts or suggestions or someone who faced the same issue?


I apologize, the installation was successful, but it did not detect it after the installation was successful.


The application was not detected after installation completed successfully (0x87D1041C)

2 Replies

@oryxway The command line that I mentioned in your other post does work ( But, Windows 11 has Dotnet 4.8 installed by default. Are you sure you're not already on 4.8.1 on the system you are trying to install it on? 


This article explains where the Release can be found


For detection, you can use the Release key as mentioned above for 533320 (4.8.1) (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Release)

Any update for us?