Microsoft Forms - Error 1003

Copper Contributor

I logged into my Microsoft Forms and I cannot see my responses.  I'm getting the below error.



44 Replies

@alexishodges I am also experiencing this.

Também estou com esse erro.

I too am experiencing this error @alexishodges 

@alexishodges I am having the same issue. Could it be a problem on Microsoft's end that they will hopefully fix in due time?


@alexishodges - I am getting the same error with a new form just created yesterday and any other forms  I have created.  What's going on Microsoft?

Microsoft is reporting an incident in Forms now on my Admin center, it's safe to assume its on Microsoft's side at this point.

@alexishodges I am receiving this error as well, was working fine prior to about 45 minutes ago. 

@Michael_Kelly1986 where do you see this? I tried to log in and see nothing. 

Same issue over here. Confirmed issue with 3 separate tenants.

Same issues. Not seeing anything about Forms in Heath Center.
Same, error 1003 on all of our forms. Some of our clients have their own forms as well which I've been told are also not working.


The admin center service health tab.  This may just be unique to my organization.  Recommend reporting the issue with Microsoft if it's not on there, as a few minutes after I did it showed up.

@alexishodges.  Same error for all forms and tenants for us.  

Same to me!


I'm having the same error. Very frustrating as we use this form as an integral part of our work.

I am having a similar issue, but only on forms that are owned by an O365 group. Our other forms owned by individual users are working fine

I am having the same error. @alexishodges 

@alexishodges I am also receiving this error - on the day we deploy a Library Demographics Survey at all our locations. Glad we printed paper forms as backups, but the data entry is going to STINK because no one can do it digitally. So annoying.

Same issue here. Still waiting for Microsoft to do something about it. @alexishodges