What’s New in Microsoft Forms | Dec.-Jan. 2020
Published Jan 30 2020 06:49 PM 57.1K Views

Introducing: Historical Forms

Say goodbye to copy & paste. Now, when you enter a title to create a form, smart suggestions will recommend questions from previous forms with similar titles. You can easily re-use your previous forms or select commonly used questions.




Introducing: New Forms mobile experience

Now you can experience the simple and intuitive design from desktop, on any mobile device. Create, send, and analyze forms on-the-go with the new Microsoft Forms mobile experience. Designed to be light, smooth, and effortless no matter where you are, or what device you use




We want to hear from you, please visit our UserVoice site to submit new feature ideas or vote on existing ones. You can also engage with us and other users right here on Tech Community, where we'll continue to announce the latest releases. 

Iron Contributor

I don't see a Microsoft Forms available at the Apple app store.  Is this new mobile experience via an app, or via a web browser?

@arin I'm pretty sure it's mobile web (not app) but agree the wording does not make that clear.

@Arin Komins  apologize for the confusion. @Kevin Crossman is right that the new mobile experience is for the mobile web browser. We haven't built any Forms app yet. We will continue to make improvements. Please don't hesitate to give us feedback. Thank you.


Wenjun Gong

Microsoft Forms Team

Iron Contributor

Thanks for the clarification @Wenjun Gong.  Normally when someone says mobile, I assume app first, then mobile web, hence my confusion.

Silver Contributor

@MeeraAjam and @Wenjun Gong, like to see a Microsoft Forms Mobile App versus Mobile web.

Brass Contributor

I am creating forms to be used as class tests.  Please can we add or check the following features:


An ability to place all forms/quiz on a specific topic into a folder.  I have many and it is getting a bit busy

An ability to create and automatically mark multiple choice questions where a candidate may get 2/3 correct.  Currently it is all or nothing.


Thank you

Brass Contributor
Just one question : why doesn't this work for quizzes? Most of my content is made as a quiz but I only can use suggestions in new form, not new quizz
Copper Contributor

I'd love to be able to have the photos taken/uploaded visible via a thumbnail so that when its shared the recipient can see it. Eg for audit purposes 

Copper Contributor

Can I use a custom URL for the Forms/Surveys I create?

Copper Contributor

I agree! Why is this only for a form and not a quiz? The best feature would be the ability to make a question bank, and then simply choose which question to add to your specific quiz. 



Copper Contributor

I need to create a geographic matrix using a Likert that is 13 x 13. It will not let me add more than 7 columns on the y-axis. I was able to create this on google forms. Is there any way to make this happen?

Copper Contributor

Import questions from external source PLEASE!

Copper Contributor

How do you set a default correct answer for quizzes or forms?

Former Employee

@Kabeer2020  can you please add more details to your question? Certain question types allow you to select the correct answer, such as multiple choice.  You can do this by pressing the checkmark icon.  If you duplicate this question, the correct answer will persist.  However, if you create any new question, while we will copy the Points value of the previous question, we do not persist the correct answer choice as we assume it is a fresh question with different question text and answer text. 

Copper Contributor

I would suggest to have to possibility to add  a new type of question to collect numbers. I mean something similar to "Likert" form, but giving the opportunity to enter a number.




Copper Contributor

I would really like the option for answers to be case-sensitive so that I could use quizzes more effectively for grammar practice ("Capitalize the following sentence correctly..."). Currently I can only use quizzes for punctuation and adding in capitalization would be a huge help. 

Copper Contributor

Hi! It's an appreciation when do a quiz. As a teacher I like to start with the name of the students but I don't want that that space has a number as it was a question. I don't know if I don't do it well, I couldn't find the way to take that number away from the "student's name". I would like to have the option of changing fonts too.

Copper Contributor

How do I insert the answers for the questions I made in the quiz?


Copper Contributor

I love the quiz feature and Immersive Reader tools in Forms.   As a teacher and comments I've received from other teachers, we would love to have the ability to turn the Immersive Reader (Read Aloud) off at times.  When giving a "Reading Test", we would like students to read the test, not have the test read to them.  Is it possible, or in the future can it be possible, for teachers to turn on or off the Read Aloud portion of the Immersive Reader?

Former Employee

@AsmaDubai - great ask!  we are tracking this in our backlog for the future but no current estimate for when we'd finish adding this

@Pato2020 - apologies, there is no way to do this.  Every question will be automatically given a number, including a question to capture name.  However, if you use the setting "Record names" and keep the form as an In-organization form, then Forms will capture the identify automatically, so you can skip having a  separate question for this.  Fonts are in the longer term backlog

@Sandra Cahill - currently no plans for this, but your scenario makes a lot of sense.  I'll pass along the feedback to our immersive reader partner team 

Copper Contributor

Con Forms, los usuarios pueden subir archivos al formulario?

Former Employee

@ogirao can you please explain your question a bit more, i am not following, thanks


@Marcelo365 - yes they can, if the form is set to an in-organization setting.  please see more details here: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-forms-blog/what-s-new-in-microsoft-forms-oct-nov-20...

Copper Contributor

Let there be an option to change background and ability for a participant to see his result immediately after completing a quiz.


Silver Contributor

@amiluv, you can customize the look of a Form under the themes section. Once you hit submit you can view the results immediately.   quizresults2.pngquizresults1.png

Copper Contributor

I can not find file upload option in form.

Iron Contributor

@Sanjaygb - pull down the arrow next to date to show file upload.




Silver Contributor

@Sanjaygb see the image below.


Copper Contributor

Please how can i program a quiz in a way that after you have selected an option, you cannot go back to change it?

Copper Contributor

El nuevo Microsoft Forms me da la opción de colocar dentro de un cuestionario preguntas donde los integrantes puedan cargar una imagen , sin embargo cuando se aplica el cuestionario a través de Teams ,los integrantes pueden seleccionar la imagen desde sus dispositivos pero la plataforma no los deja cargar la imagen, ya he intentado con todas las clases de archivos (pdf, word, png, ect) y hasta con 1GB de peso y no le deja a mis integrantes cargar la imagen.Me podrian ayudar

Copper Contributor

I needed some questions to be yes/no and other to be more like Likert in 1 group of questions but this is not possible how do I better group the questions?

Copper Contributor

I have been exploring using MS Forms to survey my Teams associates. I want my team to be able to quickly and anonymously answer yes/no polling questions at our weekly meetings, which we must conduct remotely now.  Although Forms appears to make this possible, some respondents say they are prompted to “submit another response”. Of course, multiple responses can skew our critical survey results! How can I prevent this option from appearing?

Former Employee

@Neltom sorry, there is currently no way to do this.  The user can use the back button to return to a previous page to change their responses

@Mark_Krulic please make sure the "allow multiple response" option is not selected.  Note that if a form is shared with the "anyone with the link can respond" mode, it is considered anonymous and there is no current option to prevent multiple response in that mode. 

Copper Contributor

Hi there!

I would really love if scores could be added to specific rows on Likert charts. I'm a teacher and it gets really messy when I have to correct matching activities one by one. Plus, if correct answers could be added into the Likert charts while creating the forms, that would make my day in so many ways. It would also be useful to add a shuffle option within Likert charts to add some kind of challenge to more advanced students while performing the matching activities.

I hope my suggestions are useful in some way.


Brass Contributor

Currently in a GCC tenant. Can we insert a video in any of our Forms?

Copper Contributor

Sorry, not sure if this was covered. Is one able to create a template for a questionnaire and then share that with other members of your company so that they can add it to their team discussions with candidates and clients?

Copper Contributor

Dear all, 


I would like to share with you something that could be improved. If you have marked as compulsory an item and the respondent has chosen the "other" option, the form counts as if this item would not have been answered so that it can not be submitted. 


I think that the "other" option should be considered as a valid answer. 




María Jordano

Former Employee

@Aissa16 there is currently an issue preventing the use of file upload questions if used within teams assignments.  We are working on a fix 


@Clintmeerholz  yes, you can use the template functionality - https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/share-a-form-or-quiz-as-a-template-82ea9d8a-260a-47a0-afd...


@mjordano - thanks for raising this.  When you add the "other" option to a multiple choice question, it becomes a place where people can type something in.  If the question is marked as Required, and the user chooses the "other" option and then types something in the blank space, it will be accepted as valid answer.  


Copper Contributor

MS Forms, my users are diverse by language and educational attainment, but I just want to use one form, I considered using images. How can I use images (picture, logo, drawing) as choices instead of words? 


Copper Contributor

Hi everyone!


Does Microsoft Forms has an admin panel where I can see who is taking the quiz live?


Thank you all! 

Former Employee

@RLuccaribe - we do not have support for this currently


@Jude1900 - if you are doing a Form, you can use multilingual feature, so you can use a single form for multiple languages and then the results are aggregated.  We dont yet have this functionality for quiz, but are considering it going forward.  Same for "images as an answer choice."  We are looking into this as a future addition.  See more here for multilingual : https://support.office.com/en-us/article/send-a-form-in-multiple-languages-e948a2ea-31c8-432f-91bf-6...

Copper Contributor

Estimados buen día,

Hace poco mi empresa migro de GMAIL a OUTLOOK  por las mejoras y lo dinamico que es, nosotros trabajamos bastante con las encuestas y es de gran ayuda,  en GMAIL todas las respuestas  de una encuesta subian a un excel en la nube, tambien se podia consolidar respuesta de distintas encuestas en un solo excel en la nube, claro en distintas hojas, sera posible que haya estás opciónes? 

Copper Contributor

Dear Frank, 


with the new version you can get a real time spreadsheet as well. It is one of the last changes. 

Maria Jordano

Copper Contributor



Historical forms is welcome progress, but why is this feature so limited? The general ability to take questions from any existing form into a new form is critical to making forms (especially quizzes) a productive tool within a school.


Given that questions can be replicated within a form and, now from some historic forms, this is surely an easy enhancement to implement.


Even better would be a tagged question library so that all of the Science department's quiz questions could be searched, sorted and assembled into new quizzes.


Thanks. please keep the enhancements coming!



Copper Contributor



Voici mon problème: Mon formulaire a une question obligatoire comme première question. Selon la réponse, c'est la question 2 ou 3 qui est la suivante.

Lorsqu'un répondant répond à la première question et qu'il décide ensuite de quitter le formulaire, la réponse semble être quand même enregistrée. Ce qui fait que si la personne retourne sur le formulaire, elle ne voit plus la première question et ne pense pas automatiquement cliquer sur le bouton précédent pour changer sa réponse. Y a-t-il un moyen de faire en sorte que si on sort, on recommence à zéro le questionnaire? Est-ce dans un paramètre?  Merci

Copper Contributor

Please,. I don't have full access to the Microsoft forms.. Some features are not at the settings drop down menu.

I just conducted quiz for my students but I their names appear anonymous on the score sheet due to the features that is lack at the settings drop down menu.

Please what can I do to have full access

Copper Contributor


Is it possible to transfer data from an Excel sheet to populate form fields. For example, person enters an ID number and it is verified with sheet data. If this number is on the sheet, fields are filled, name address etc., with associated data from the sheet. Then I could verify membership.  


Copper Contributor

No he podido copiar un cuestionario a partir de las sugerencias de otro cuestionario

Copper Contributor


Buenos días:

Como profesora, resulta muy escasa la capacidad máxima de 200 cuestionarios. Me gustaría saber si al quitar de la pestaña FORMULARIOS DE GRUPO, se puede ganar almacenamiento.

También he quitado de FORMULARIOS DE GRUPO, varios cuestionarios y me vuelven a aparecer.

Sería necesario poder utilizar preguntas de un cuestionario en otro nuevo. Aquí no he visto esa posibilidad.



Copper Contributor

Buenos días:


Yo creo recordar que tengo varios cuestionarios de grupo con más de 1000 respuestas. 


Lo confirmaré de todas formas. 


Un saludo, 

Copper Contributor

No digo el nº de respuestas, digo el número máximo de cuestionarios, que son 200

Version history
Last update:
‎Dec 15 2020 01:24 PM
Updated by: