Microsoft Entra Suite Tech Accelerator
Aug 14 2024, 07:00 AM - 09:30 AM (PDT)
Microsoft Tech Community

ATA updates

Copper Contributor

How is everyone receiving release update notifications? The only thing I've heard from support is to subscribe to the blog or the Twitter feed. Would be nice to receive an email notification with release notes attached. 

8 Replies

Hi Michael,

The ATA console will alert you where there is an update.  you can also have ATA email you when it detects that update.

Thanks, I have the mail notification setting, 'Notify When New software update is available,' turned on. Is that all there is to it?

Yes. as long as you ATA center can reach Microsoft Update... OR if you are using WSUS make sure to incluide the ATA product category for sync!



In my WSUS it seems that the ATA product category is missing. Is there a way to add it?


Thank you,

No.  WSUS should just pull the categories.  are you sure syncing with microsoft is working properly?  or perhaps you are downlevel wsus to another wsus??

The new update has been available for a month I received no notification, the only way I knew about it is after googling it. Please advise.

Same here. 

The release procedure to the download center is relatively fast, so we publish there first.

Publishing to Microsoft Update is a longer process, so it will take time until you get a push notification about it.


No need to wait, you can upgrade using the download center package now.