Jan 25 2021 02:20 PM
We would like to use Bookings to allow our citizens to schedule time for their COVID vaccine. We will be holding the event every Thursday for 8 hours (7:00 AM - 3:00 PM) allowing 30 people to sign up for every 30 minute slot. I created the service but when I open Bookings I am only given 7:00 am, 7:30 am and 8:00 am for time slots. I expected to see 7:00, 7:30, 8:00, 8:30 all the way to 2:30 (wrapping up at 3:00), but I am not. Also we are not allowing the person to select a specific person when signing up as it will be a drive-thru event. I must be missing something. Any assistance would be great!
Jan 27 2021 06:11 PM
@Annette1101 We are using bookings at FSU and it has been working really well. The time slots that display depend on the number of staff offering the service and the business hours as well. Are those set up correctly?
Jan 28 2021 04:12 AM
@fsuggarcia I am not using Staff. I think I may have figured it out. First of all we need to map out each event as we never know how much vaccine we are receiving until Monday. Once we determine the number of doses received and Army National Guard members available to administer, we determine the duration of the Thursday clinic. Say we received 200 doses and have 4 administers with each dose taking about 4 minutes (15 in an hour per administer), we determined we can complete all doses in about 3.34 hours (200/15/4). Knowing that, I am able to set up a "service" for Thursday, beginning at 10am lasting until about 2:00pm with appointments every hour, allowing 60 people to sign up per hour (15x4). We will create a new "service" each week, again after determining doses available and number of administers.
The last item I am looking for is how to print the list of folks that signed up per hour slot, so that we may use that as a check in list. Any ideas?
Aug 25 2021 07:16 PM
Hi @Annette1101 ,
long overdue reply - you can print report in TSV and then do a filter on the DateTime Column.