You now have Audio Conferencing for Microsoft Teams – Here is your dial-in information and PIN

Copper Contributor

Our company has received this email this morning.  It was only sent to 1/4 of our staff and is questionable.  After researching the header, the DKIM signature failed.  The ip address is, according to Cisco Talos states it is Microsoft.  But I am still Leary on telling our folks that it is ok. 

Has anyone else experienced this and is it legitimate?



1 Reply
Hard to tell without knowing your environment. When dial-in conferencing is activated for a user, it's normal to receive an email like that. Although you can also suppress the email sending part.
The corresponding license is part of E5, or can be purchased as add-on. If you have such licenses in your tenant, check whether the user is indeed activated for audio conferencing.