Signature option does not open in outlook 2016

Not applicable

When you try to open the signature configuration option in Outlook 2016, it does not open the option when it is clicked. And with that I can not add or edit any signature for my outlook 2016. Does anyone know how to fix it?


OS: windows 10 Pro 64bits

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71 Replies

@Marvin_Bernard_Rukundo  two different problems …   no its not the best solution, as people with the original thread cant even click the the button as it is greyed out.  Please people, read the whole thread before replying and only adding confusion to a persons already existing problem.

This worked 100% for me .please use this link to fix mutliple scenarios you might face .


Link :


Proprably your registry singature setting is missing a value all you have to do is to put in the path to outlook.exe loaction . and thats it .please follow the instruction on the link .

uninstalling Microsoft Office Desktop App worked for my user
Great! This worked for me. Thanks a lot!

@Pablo R. OrtizThis worked for me too. Thanks!


Thank you for posting this!

I could not find a solution anywhere till i found your reply.

I also faced the same issue I tried this thing and it help. I hope this helps you as well.

I made a backup (Export) of:


and then I deleted the key all together. Since then everything has worked fine. Everything in that Key was pointing to an older Office 2013 installation.






Thank you very much for re-posting the solution to the non working signature button in Office 365. 

I tried everything that you listed as well before I found your post and this fixed it for me:


Open regedit.msc

Search for all the instances of the string:
Keep hitting F3 to find the next string. In my case I found the 'string' about 20 times and deleted them.

Do an 'online repair' of Office 365


It worked again!

@Pablo R. Ortiz  This works. Excellent

worked for me.
Thanks a lot!

Found this batch file here  - it finds and deletes values in the registry - and adopted it to search for the string mentioned. It works - caveat - I've only tested the 'find' function, but it seemed to have worked accurately. We have a # of clients with this issue, and will be testing the 'delete' function soon. 


Took about 15 - 20 mins to run.....

@echo off

rem Change value "Find" to "Delete" to really delete all found keys.
set "Action=Find"

rem Define the root key for the search.

rem Define the string which must be found in name of a key to delete.
rem It should not contain characters interpreted by FINDSTR as regular
rem expression character, see help output on entering FINDSTR /? in a
rem command prompt window.
set "Search=0006F03A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"

rem Check if specified registry key exists at all.
%SystemRoot%\System32\reg.exe query "%RegKey%" 1>nul 2>nul
if not errorlevel 1 goto RunSearch

echo Registry key "%RegKey%" not found.
goto EndBatch

rem Exporting everything of defined root key to a temporary text file.
echo Exporting registry key "%RegKey%" ...
%SystemRoot%\System32\reg.exe query "%RegKey%" /s >"%TEMP%\RegExport.tmp" 2>nul

rem The backslash is the escape character in regular expressions. Therefore
rem it is necessary to escape this character in root registry key to get a
rem working regular expression search string as long as the root registry
rem key and the search string do not contain other characters with special
rem registry expression meaning.
set "RegKey=%RegKey:\=\\%"

rem Interesting are only lines in exported registry which contain the
rem search string in last key of a registry key path. In other words
rem the deletion of a key is always done only on root key containing in
rem name the search string and not also on all subkeys to improve speed.

if /I "%Action%"=="Delete" (
    echo Searching for keys containing "%Search%" and delete all found ...
) else (
    echo Searching for keys containing "%Search%" and list all found ...

rem The expression below works only correct if whether RegKey nor
rem Search contains characters with a regular expression meaning.
set "FoundCounter=0"
set "DeleteCounter=0"
for /f "delims=" %%K in ('%SystemRoot%\System32\findstr.exe /R "^%RegKey%.*%Search%[^\\]*$" "%TEMP%\RegExport.tmp" 2^>nul') do (
    echo %%K
    set /A FoundCounter+=1
    if /I "%Action%"=="Delete" (
        %SystemRoot%\System32\reg.exe delete "%%K" /f >nul
        if not errorlevel 1 set /A "DeleteCounter+=1"
del "%TEMP%\RegExport.tmp"

set "FoundPlural="
if not %FoundCounter%==1 set "FoundPlural=s"
set "DeletePlural="
if not %DeleteCounter%==1 set "DeletePlural=s"

if /I "%Action%"=="Delete" (
    echo Deleted %DeleteCounter% key%DeletePlural% of %FoundCounter% key%FoundPlural% containing "%Search%".
) else (
    echo Found %FoundCounter% key%FoundPlural% containing "%Search%".

echo Exit with any key ...
pause >nul


Solved here, thanks yout time!h