Optimization of large Word documents

Copper Contributor

How can I optimize the work in a large word document. It is 200 pages and 29MB.


We are several project members editing this document stored in Share point and we experiencing a huge negative impact on performance, when we save load, etc. As an example, adding picures or graphs is not possible on Share point, but solved when we download and upload after adding the pictures.


The outcome of this action is to provide a report for a customer in a pdf format.


How can we enhance/improve the work so we increase performance and reduce latency to a minimum, when it comes to the product features? Are we using word in the wrong way?

 I am aware that network, hardware etc can have an impact on this negative experience, but this is not something the project team can take action on. Like to start with enhancements in Word. Any suggestions would be great!

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