how to select the entire column in vlookup function?

Copper Contributor

Please help.  I use vlookup very often, before changing to office 365, I used control+spancebar to the end of the selected column, but now it would not work any more.


1 Reply
Hello! With clicking on „A1“ for first cell in your excel Range, use the shortcut CTRL-SHIFT- arrow key down. This selects your populated cells in this range. And it works the same in excel versions and even if your range (no empty rows and no empty columns!) is a range. If it is a range, you can click on one of the cells within and better make it a Table Object with Shortcut STRG-T. This converts the range into a kind of database, with filter arrows on the top - first cell then is Field- and various good functionalities. Hope that can help and widen up your excel possibilities. Greets, Eva