Deleting notebook from Onedrive = Deleting notebook from Sharepoint?

Copper Contributor

Our organisation are reducing our storage limit on OneDrive so many of my teaching colleagues are having to transfer their files over to Teams/Sharepoint as an alternative. 

One teacher is struggling as she uses Class Notebook to document work/retain evidence for assessment. There are many audio and video files in the Notebook and so she is regularly prompted to save it to her OneDrive (which will now no longer have the capacity and must be reduced).

As per this previous discussion thread - OneNote/Class Notebook File Storage - Desktop, Web, Teams versions - Microsoft Community Hub I understand that the storage location depends on how she's using OneNote. Based on that, the OneDrive storage prompt would infer the use of the O365 web app.

However, I have since accessed her Team and have been able to locate a copy of the Notebook on her Team Sharepoint. This is the ideal situation as this is where the organisation would prefer larger items to be stored to reduce capacity on OneDrive. So essentially, it seems like she has a copy of the Notebook on both Teams and OneDrive.

My question is this - Can she delete the OneDrive Notebook without it affecting the Teams/Sharepoint version? My initial instinct would be yes, as I'm under the impression that only deleting the item or Team itself would remove it from the Sharepoint. However, I don't want to give this advice and find out it's wrong with so much important documentation at stake.

Any help appreciated and sorry for the long winded post. I felt like a bit of context was needed to make it clear what I was asking as there are many threads on this sort of topic but all asking very specific things.

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