Python for Excel not showing in Formulas

Brass Contributor

I've followed the following steps:

chose insider level "Beta channel" and installed insider builds, waited for it to install and then opened excel and still python for excel can not be found and typing '=PY' in the formula bar gives an error. Any idea where is that coming from ? 


P.S when I search for python in the search bar I get "insert python" option but nothing happens when I click on itCapture.PNGCapture1.PNG



42 Replies

Hi @Sergei Baklan 
Please do not kidding me. I am changed to the Beta channel, obviously.
It is very annoying, when sg is announced, and users does not get anything.
I am a testmanager at Deutsche Telekom and we also do "limited launch" before commercial launch.
But we are punished if we do not keep our promises to users.
Maybe thats the reason why I am disappointed.
I wonder if this "Python in Excel" will remain just an empty promise. Then I don't know if Microsoft can be trusted?


I'm not working on Microsoft and only share what I know from my own experience and what was published or shared.

To my knowledge Python in Excel works only on

- Excel for Windows desktop app

- Beta channel. On it functionality was deployed gradually, but now it shall be 100% coverage.

- not sure if it works on localize versions or on English only


When you shift on Beta from other channels it's not necessary Beta functionality appears immediately, even with 100% coverage. Sometimes it takes day or two, desirably with reboot(s) in between. Cloud servers shall recognize another Beta user appeared and activate functionality for his build.


That's in brief my understanding of how it works.


Happy New Year!

@Sergei Baklan 
Thank you for the info, I am still disappointed by not having the functionality.
You know... it just would have been comfy.
I hope it will be introduced earlier than the support for VBA ended. :)

Happy new year, Sergei.

Python for Excel.png