Group Email Settings have disappeared

Brass Contributor



It appears that the group email settings option has disappeared. I can no longer see this in my production or personal tenants. Can anyone else confirm this please? We are about to implement groups to users outside of IT in our tenant and I need confirmation that this feature (A good one IMO) has been withdrawn.




27 Replies

Hey Dawid,


You should be seeing the options to Subscribe to a Group on Outlook 2016 and Outlook on the Web as shown in the article quoted by you. Are you not seeing them?


As far as the enhancements are concerned, we are working hard towards bringing the enhancements to our users soon. Please keep an eye out for the announcements on public forums, like this one.



Dear @Ravin Sachdeva,


The Outlook on the web article is possibly inaccurate if you're on first release.

There is no more "Group E-Mail Settings" as before, and the UI has since changed to something more similiar to Outlook 2016. Not even the "Gear" icon exists anymore.

In my case is two buttons now "Joined" with a dropdown where you can simply subscribe or unsubscribe, and right next to the joined button is the "3-dots-button" with additional Group Settings, but no more Group E-Mail Settings.


Image 083.png

@Ivan Unger - Can you please post the link to the support doc you refer to? If the support link mentions 'Group email settings', it is probably inaccurate.


We would soon be rolling out enhancements to our group subscription model soon, which we are currently testing internally and fixing bugs. Please watch this space for more!



Dear @Ravin Sachdeva

I'm talking about that first link from Dawid


@Dawid Zych wrote:

We are still not seeing 'Group Email Settings'.
Any new information about improvements mentioned above?
Support materials suggest that it should be in use.
Customize how you receive group messages in your inbox

Subscribe to a group in Outlook


It could be also great if Ravin could share here more details about these improvements :)

I will soon. Thanks for your interest :)




Thanks for pointing this out, this should be fixed soon.

@Ravin Sachdeva We seem to have 'lost' the footer which is usually auto-inserted into Group messages when forwarded to follower's inboxes. Could you direct me how to reinstate that feature please?