Announcing a new weekly Message Center digest
Published Mar 02 2017 12:48 PM 3,229 Views

The Message Center is the main channel that Microsoft uses to inform admins about changes, maintenance work and updates coming to their service. The weekly digest now brings thei message center notifications directly to your inbox to make it easier for you to stay up to date and to share the notifications with your co-workers. The weekly digest capability is currently available to Office 365 admins who are set to First Release in tenants with more than 50 subscribed users and will become available for all customers over time.


Message Center digest.png

Silver Contributor

Why only for tenants with more than 50 subscribed users?

Is there any plan to remove such limitation?


Hi Salvatore, we absolutely intend to make this capability available to tenants of all sizes and not just First Release. The feature team is working on making this possible, and while we ensure scalability, we've defined the seat count in order to set the scope. Stay tuned for updates and broader release!

@Anne Michels@Brian Levenson - is there a scenario where a customer with more than 50 licenses and their tenant set to First Release still wouldn't have the weekly digest email option available in the Message Center?


Thank you,



Hey @Thomas C. Finney - If the tenant's language is set to something other than English, the digest will not be sent. We intend to make this available in additional languages and need to work through the translation capabilities. The priority at the moment is to scale out the weekly digest mail beyond First Release and then introduce additional languages.

Hey @Brian Levenson - I hadn't thought about the language setting being a potential factor.  I'll ask them to verify.  I greatly appreciate the info and quick response!



Hey @Brian Levenson - just a quick follow up, the issue was related to the language setting for this customer.  Thanks again!


Version history
Last update:
‎Mar 02 2017 01:10 PM
Updated by: