Remove Archive button from Outlook Ribbon

Copper Contributor

I am attempting to deploy Office 365 using the ODT and the OCT.  After deploying I noticed the "Archive" button is listed in the "Delete" group, on the ribbon.  I have turned off AutoArchive settings, when customizing the OCT, but the option to remove this button is not listed.


I have found the registry entry to remove the button and when I manually enter it, it works.  I have not been able to find a way to enter custom registry entries, in the OCT file, that will automatically enter the setting.  I attempted to edit the .xml file, but the button still shows.


How do I edit the OCT file to add custom registry options?


Thank you,


6 Replies


What's the registry path to remove the button?  I could find that useful. 




Hi, maybe this can also help: I disabled that Archive button via GPO.


How did you disable with GPO?

@JohnForth  With that GPO you can grey it out:

The ID for the archive button is 26308. See also my attachment in my answer

Just add this Registry to set disable
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Thanks ADumith, that registry key worked for me after an Outlook restart.