Option to make a mailbox shared doesn't appear

Copper Contributor

Hey folks,

I recently took ownership of the company's exchange. I am trying to convert a mailbox to be a shared mailbox but the option doesn't appear for some reason.

This is a user who did not have a license attached, so I first attached a license to them and then clicked their name and the Mail tab.

In there, for other accounts, I see a "Convert To Shared Mailbox" option under the More actions area.

However for this user, this option does not appear and instead it only shows an "Edit Exchange properties" option.

Any ideas? I'd really appreciate some help!

2 Replies
Does he actually have a mailbox provisioned? Assigning the license doesn't always result in creating a mailbox, for example if the ExchangeGUID value is populated no mailbox will be created.

Just to exclude the possibility of some UI-related glitch, you can try the operation via PowerShell:

Set-Mailbox email address removed for privacy reasons -Type shared
Hi Ashera10,

Looks like whether that account holding any admin roles or the account was already a shared mailbox. Do check on that.