Shared screen in custom Mesh environment

Iron Contributor

Going by the promotional materials Mesh has a concept of the "stage" for a shared screen and gallery (where those on a standard teams call - i.e. with no avatar, appear).  I don't see any way in the mesh toolkit or the Mesh 101 example to add that  stage screen.  Obviously when building a custom environment one would expect to be able to place that stage somewhere.  So you would expect to see it as a game object or as a render texture to place upon a game object. However,  I don't see any such thing. Any ideas ??  I strongly suspect that "under the hood" the "stage" is an Azure Communications Services endpoint (Teams is built on top of ACS - so it is logical that that is how it connects to Unity) - it would be great if that is the case. The ability to simply add such an ACS endpoint to the Unity scene would enable huge flexibility as for e.g. ACS has support (currently in private preview) for bringing in an SRT stream feed.  Part of the reason that I suspect that the "stage" is ACS under the hood is that this Package Details - Azure Artifacts  SDK which was released in Beta in June brings ACS  calling to Unity.   It would be very helpful if someone from Microsoft can provide some guidance as it would help with knowing which parts of the learning curve we need to direct our attention to. 

7 Replies
This is a great question Nicholas. At the moment there is no way to add a "stage" via the Mesh Toolkit. But you can do it via event artifacts. The screenshare artifact is probably what you are looking for:
  • @CameronMicka  Thanks, that is very helpful information. So as I understand it, in mesh.toolkit.sharedcontent there is the concept of the controllable. This controllable is a cloud script which then orchestrates  the behaviour of  an artifact in a server authoritative way - for e,g. syncing the starting and stopping of a video player (which is an artifact) for each user in the event.  Is that correct ?  How do I add an artifact such as the "stage* to my unity project. Can I make it a child of a game object in the usual way ?  Presumably it will be possible at some point to author my own cloud script to build my own controllable to control my own artifact in a server authoritative way ?? Am I "barking up the right tree" ? I can see the video player on the mesh 101 demo but it doesn't seem to have a controllable cloud script applied to it. Meaning, that I think each event participant experiences the play of the video asynchronously to others !  So I don't think it is an "artifact" in the way the stage is. Can Microsoft please update the demo to illustrate the use of the stage artifact and a mesh.toolkit.sharedcontent controllable because at the moment substantial areas of functionality do not seem to be illustrated. 
Thanks Nicholas for the feedback! Yes, you are correct the video played in Mesh 101 is not synchronized (in theory if all users are in the event when the video starts it would be synchronized, but it won't synchronize for late joiners or people in other shards). If you need a synchronized video, I recommend the "video" artifact" ( The video artifact is added like the stage artifact. It is added in the Mesh app after you have completed authoring and uploading your environment in Unity.

@CameronMicka  Thanks Cameron but, that's not going to cut it.  I get the idea of how it might be convenient to allow a degree of post build environment customization via the event customization tool for non technical users. However, it is absolutely essential that EVERYTHING that is is possible to do in the customization tool be available to be done via code in Unity / cloud scripting for the pro developer so it can be baked into the environment and the relevant Url's etc supplied via code. 


For context the scenario I am talking about involves accessing medical data including videos 3D models of patient anatomy built from CT scans etc selected at runtime from dataverse / blob storage hosted data accessed via cloud scripting and pulling them into the Unity scene at runtime to facilitate case reviews.  If it is not going to be possible to do that sort of thing and the event customization route is the only way to bring Gameobjects into the environment at runtime (your "artifacts")  then Mesh will very quickly be relegated to being an office toy rather than a serious business tool.


I can already load objects at runtime using a tool like TriLib 2 - Model Loading Package | Modeling | Unity Asset Store and point it to blob storage.  However, the promise of Mesh was that it was all secure, closely coupled to Azure, the Microsoft graph etc and that you would be able to bring in back end data to the mesh environment at runtime.    Do I need to look outside mesh at packages like TriLib2 to code bringing in my Azure hosted data and to manipulate load / manipulate "artifacts" or is Mesh actually going to deliver the ability for pro developers to build proper business tools with all the security etc. 


If there is way, and I'd be truly shocked if there isn't, to make the various runtime elements "artifacts" available to those building the environments I would very strongly suggest that Microsoft get it out in front of Unity developers and permit them to realize its potential ASAP because right now Mesh appears to be positioned at the toy end of the spectrum.


The surgeons I work with aren't too interested in holding their pre operative planning meetings on the flight deck of a a spaceship while toasting marshmallows - they are interested in serious collaboration tools which have the potential to improve patient outcomes by ensuring that all involved can see the relevant data and collaborate over that data in a 3D context.  I appreciate that it is at the preview stage but it has been a VERY long wait for mesh to hit public preview and what has been released so far in terms of documentation, tutorials etc. is frankly pitiful - it makes it look like Microsoft isn't really interested in Mesh anymore, which I very much hope isn't the case.

Thank you, Nicholas, for your detailed feedback and for sharing your concerns. I completely understand your perspective and the need for pro developers to have more control and flexibility in building robust business tools using Mesh.

I hear your frustration about the current limitations and appreciate your suggestions about ensuring Unity developers can easily orchestrate video playback. While I can't provide immediate solutions, I assure you that your feedback is invaluable. Microsoft is actively working to enhance Mesh and provide more comprehensive documentation and tools for developers like you.

In the mean time you may be able to achieve your desired outline using a mix of Visual Scripting and the Video Player component, using shared script variables to sync when the video starts.  But I agree – this is an area we need to improve docs and samples coverage on.

I appreciate your patience and passion for pushing the boundaries of what Mesh can offer in the realm of serious business applications. Please feel free to reach out if you have any more specific questions or concerns.

@CameronMicka Thankyou for the prompt response.  I think that one of the issues is that in the absence of a roadmap it is very difficult to see where Microsoft is going with Mesh. I"d urge Microsoft to publish a proper feature roadmap ideally along the lines of Microsoft 365 Roadmap - See What's Coming | Microsoft 365 as soon as possible.

Hello Nicholas. Hearing you had done your unity project using Trilib2 and Azure Blob. May I ask you few questions?
Now I am trying to load the model from online storage (such as OneDrive or azure blob) using Trilib2 to. I can load model from custom URL but cannot load model from OneDrive's direct download link. I am not sure that because of the OneDrive security or other.
I would like to ask you about,
What platform you build?
You download with direct download link or browsing file in Azure Blob before downloading?