KPI view not populating on team landing page

Brass Contributor

When I add a key result to KPI summary it is not surfacing in the KPI view. When I expand the KPI view it states 'If you have OKRs that are tracked by KPI or have added them to the KPI Summary, those KPIs will appear here'. It affects all users in my organisation therefore I am in the process of raising an incident. I wondered if anyone else was experiencing the same and if this is a known issue? Thanks.

4 Replies
My organization is experiencing this same problem, curious if anyone has a fix.
Looks like the issue is now resolved :)
Unfortunately not resolved for me. Very buggy feature. Sometimes when I click "Add to KPI Summary", it works and in fact adds the KR to the KPI summary tab at top; other times not. Does not seem to be any pattern as to when it does and doesn't work. Any additional help would be appreciated!
I have not noticed any further issues in my tenant. Hopefully it is resolved soon for you.