Known Issue: Status reporting for App install lifecycle and App install history
Published Feb 18 2021 04:39 PM 21.5K Views

Updated 7/2/21: Our engineering team is actively working to fix this issue, we’ll update this post as additional information becomes available. Stay tuned to this post for any future updates.


We recently discovered an issue within the Troubleshooting + support blade where the Devices table > column App install lifecycle might not be showing an accurate status. We’ve received customer feedback where the column is showing “Failure” but upon investigation the apps are not failing to deploy and there are no issues with the apps on devices.


Additionally, if you select the impacted device, load the “Managed Apps” view, select one of the apps targeted to the device and click the app, the app install history may show the status as “Failed to install”, however the app is present on the device.


Both these issues are related to each other because the App install lifecycle is computed from the app install history. The issue appears at random so you may not be impacted, keep on reading to learn more.


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Navigate to the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center

  2. Click Troubleshooting + support

  3. Select a user

  4. Under the Devices table, view the status of the App install lifecycle column

  5. Confirm if the status is correct by checking Device Install status for getting the accurate installation status for an app for a device.

Troubleshoot blade in the MEM admin centerTroubleshoot blade in the MEM admin center

How to check Device Install status:

  1. Navigate to the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center

  2. Click Apps > All apps

  3. Select an app

  4. Click Device install status

  5. The correct status will be displayed in the Status column


Device install status blade in the MEM admin centerDevice install status blade in the MEM admin center

If the App install lifecycle column in the Troubleshooting blade shows a different status than the Device Install status, you have run into this problem. To workaround this issue, our recommendation is to use the Device Install status for understanding the correct install status of the app for the affected device.


Our engineering team is actively working to fix this issue, we’ll update this post as additional information becomes available. If you have any questions, let us know in the comments on this post or tagging @IntuneSuppTeam on Twitter.


Blog updates:

6/3/21: Updated post on current investigation status.

7/2/21: Updated post on current investigation status. We appreciate your patience and thanks for all the feedback!

Copper Contributor

Thank you for sharing the article, i am also facing the issue but it is somewhat different. So i just want to clarify if my issue and this issue are same.


In my case , if i navigate to Troubleshooting+Support pane, there app install life cycle shows as success , however if i check under Managed apps, status shows as Waiting for Install Status. If i further click on it, then it shows as App is already installed.

Copper Contributor

@Pallav1011 It looks like our issue is similar to yours ... we have devices that show all the apps as 'Waiting for Status' although I can confirm that the apps have been installed.


@Intune_Support_Team This article was posted over 3 months ago ... any updates?

Hi @JeffH88, we appreciate your patience and the feedback! Though we don't have any new updates to share, we’ll keep this post updated as we learn more. Stay tuned!

Copper Contributor

@Intune Support Team


Our tenant is now on 2108 and I don't see any improvements ... reporting actually seems to be worse now.


Any update?

Copper Contributor

@Intune_Support_Team Earlier we faced above mentioned problem. 
Please confirm if mentioned problem is solved now.

Any update?

Thank you!

Copper Contributor

My tenant is also on 2108, but the issue persists. @Intune_Support_Team 

Copper Contributor

Same for me my tenant is also on 2108, but the issue still persist. @Intune_Support_Team the specific app has still status: waiting for install status.
As a result the spefic app in my case is reinstalled everyday.


Copper Contributor



We have the same problem. Any update?



Thanks everyone for all the feedback. We are actively reviewing your feedback with the team and will provide an update to this post as they are available. Thanks!

Copper Contributor

Hello @Intune Support Team


Our tenant is now on 2109 but the issue persists.


Any update?

Copper Contributor


Any updates on this?


Brass Contributor

I'm getting a similar problem, maybe related, and just like someone mentioned above, my win32 apps are installing but showing "waiting for install status". This is happening on autopilot self-deploy mode devices.

Copper Contributor

My tenant is on 2110 and this issue persists. All the Managed Apps show as "Waiting for Installation Status" and never show anything else. Is there an update for this yet?

Brass Contributor

The issue still persists on 2112, but has anyone else noticed that the reports for the Feature Update also do not work when this issue exists? When affected by this problem the machine affected never has accompanying data on the Feature Update (Preview), scan time will either cease updating or never show. Likewise the status of the Feature Update never updates accordingly.


Our devices with this problem have massive issues connecting Microsoft servers in the IntuneManagementLog file, the only machines having these connection problems in the log file are those that have this very issue. The connection issue on Microsoft's side, the server either does not respond in the time expected or rejects the connection completely.

Brass Contributor

As we approach the one year of this published it still appears to be an open issue.  I recently opened a MS Premier case and was provided this link as this being a known problem.   However with no ETA and how it impacts reporting we need to have a window of when to expect this to be remediated.  A year into this seems unusual.   

Brass Contributor

@Intune_Support_Team :

we´d appreciate some status updates

Brass Contributor

Months of dealing with this and yet no update or feedback from this known issue by anyone yet.  @Intune_Support_Team 

Copper Contributor



Any updates to the status of this issue is appreciated.  When can we expect a resolution?



Copper Contributor

I have found a workaround for the time being. Earlier my Detection rule was File or folder exists.

Now I have uploaded a new package of the same app and Have set the detection method to String(Version), operator- greater than or equal to and this works very well.

Copper Contributor

@Pallav1011 Most of my apps are set to 'String(Version) > Operator > Greater than or equal to' and unfortunately I still have the issue ... even apps that were added in the past week or so.

Copper Contributor
I am also facing this issue and not sure if this is being fixed by MS engineering team. Kindly update
Copper Contributor

Same thing here, however many systems while showing "Waiting for Install Status", do in fact not have the software/application.  They get others and it's random in nature.  80% of population will get a required app while others do not and show the "Waiting..." status.

Copper Contributor



Any update on this?


I am now seeing the opposite ...


I now see devices that have successfully installed apps and show Installation Status = Installed in the individual device's Managed Apps report BUT the same device does not appear in the app's Device install status report.


Our tenant is now on 2208.

Copper Contributor

It has been nearly 2 years and this issue is still happening. iPad apps show as "Failed" or "Waiting for install status", but the apps are installed successfully on the iPads. I need to have accurate results to ensure every iPad has the required apps. Is there any update on this issue?

Copper Contributor

Any news on this issue?

Copper Contributor

We discovered this issue in early March (2023); reported it to Microsoft who confirmed that we had indeed got the issue as described in this article. However this week (commencing 28th March 2023) I have noticed that all previously affected devices and all newly provisioned devices  are now correctly showing the App Install Status. I note that there was a recent Intune Service update so maybe that has resolved the issue - for us at least.

Copper Contributor

Good afternoon, is there any update on a fix being deployed? We are seeing this currently on Intune shared Windows devices. Users sign in and out to work, apps are installed on the device and Device Install Status is correct. the User install status shows errors for the ap install under users which have since logged out.

Version history
Last update:
‎Dec 19 2023 01:23 PM
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