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Jun 05 2024, 07:30 AM - 11:30 AM (PDT)
Microsoft Tech Community

FSLogix and OneDrive Sync App

Copper Contributor

I'm a bit confused and am looking for clarification and/or guidance.  Per Use the sync app on virtual desktops - SharePoint in Microsoft 365 | Microsoft Learn, the OneDrive Sync App is supported for our configurations, but then there is the note: 

"It is not supported to roam the OneDrive registry hive as part of a non-persistent VDI environment. Do not roam HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\OneDrive\ in your non-persistent VDI user profiles."


In trying to find out how to exclude this reg key from FSLogix, I found this: How to exclude registry key from FSLogix · Issue #108 · MicrosoftDocs/fslogix-docs · GitHub which says:

"Excluding registry keys isn't supported."


So now I'm curious, how is it supported, but one can't exclude registry keys?  Or have I just completely missed the method for excluding this reg key?



2 Replies

Hi Derek,

I have had very bad experiences with using OneDrive in combination with FSLogix.

If possible, I would recommend:
- using FSLogix in combination with a Windows File Server or Azure Files
- not using other roaming solution (e.g. folder redirection) in combination with FSLogix
- only changing these settings in the FSLogix GPO: DeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply, SizeInMBs, VolumeType and FlipFlopProfileDirectoryName

- excluding administrative profiles from using FSLogix so you can troubleshoot, even when the local FSLogix service has issues

- using FSLogix 2201 hotfix 2 (2.9.8228.50276) and not the latest builds

All my deployments use the above (best) practices.

@MathieuVandenHautte Thank you for the feedback, thus far in small scale testing OneDrive has been working.  I certainly appreciate calling out excluding administrative profiles and will be implementing that (I don't know why I didn't think about doing that after the annoyances of logging onto multiple machines with a locked profile).

We are using Azure Files, with no other profile solutions.

The only policy we don't have set that you referenced is FlipFlopProfileDirectoryName.


I'm hoping MS can jump in here and answer my question as it doesn't seem to make sense to me (as I noted).


Thanks @MathieuVandenHautte for your reply.