Birthday Calendar reappears

Copper Contributor

Hey everybody,


I am currently trying to set up the calendar and contact environment for my company and keep running in the most ridiculous issues.

Today on the menu: Birthday Calendar.


We want to use a central contact book so that not everybody has to manage their own contact book. I tried around with public folders which works in theory but I couldn't find a way to set up an automated birthday calendar for public folders. So I decided to use a shared mailbox for that which seems to be working fine.


Now I don't require the personal birthday calendar anymore and a quick google search showed where to deactivate it. "Outlook Online - Settings - Calendar - Deactivate Birthday Calendar".

Now, the problem is that the birthday calendar reactivates it self every single time. I doesn't matter if I have the outlook app open or closed at the time. This calendar won't go away. 


After multiple tries I now have 5 personal Birthday Calendars in my outlook app. Anyone has an idea on how to solve this?


Thanks in advance and best regards. 

21 Replies

That's really obscure.  Thank you for the tip.

There needs to be a global option to disable this as this "feature" is highly annoying.

This worked for me also. Thank you so much!