SumIfs and Sum Products

Copper Contributor

I need help on a report that deals with sum ifs or sum products BUT I'm struggling to get it working. So if someone could take a look and PLEASE HELP me it would be very much appreciated.
All the comments are on the tab called summary, the other tabs will just be data tabs that I will need to add up and report the figures in the summary tab. If its not clear but ask me questions so you understand what I need.

Thank you for your time.

6 Replies


=IF(F$2="A",SUMIFS('2023 Actuals'!$E:$E,'2023 Actuals'!$A:$A,Summary!$A4,'2023 Actuals'!$D:$D,CONCATENATE(LEFT(F$3,4),"/",RIGHT(F$3,3))),IF(F$2="B",SUMIFS('2023 Budget'!$E:$E,'2023 Budget'!$A:$A,Summary!$A4,'2023 Budget'!$D:$D,CONCATENATE(LEFT(F$3,4),"/",RIGHT(F$3,3))),""))

This is my suggestion for cell F4. In order to compare the results i've entered the formula in cell F14 and filled it across range F14:Q19.

=SUMIFS('data PY'!E:E,'data PY'!A:A,Summary!A4,'data PY'!B:B,Summary!B4)

You can try this formula in cell C4.


Screenshot 2023-08-13 162128.png

=SUMIF('data PY'!A:A,A4,'data PY'!E:E)

Hope this works.


Screenshot 2023-08-13 162359.png

=IF(F$2="A",SUMIFS('2023 Actuals'!$E:$E,'2023 Actuals'!$D:$D,F$3,'2023 Actuals'!$A:$A,$A4),IF(F$2="B",SUMIFS('2023 Budget'!$E:$E,'2023 Budget'!$D:$D,F$3,'2023 Budget'!$A:$A,$A$4),""))


@OliverScheurich I am SO sorry about not coming back to you earlier but I have been away for the summer. THANK YOU SO MUCH, that's brilliant and works a treat. I wish I could be able to do formula like this, your very talented. Thanks again.

I am SO sorry about not coming back to you earlier but I have been away for the summer. THANK YOU SO MUCH, that's brilliant and works a treat. I wish I could be able to do formula like this, your very talented. Thanks again.
Hi Khaled I'm sorry to come back to you but I need some further help with summing up a code from multiple sheets in the same workbook. I want to sum up several tabs into a main consolidated tab for certain codes and my formula that I thought would work, doesn't. I have attached a file to my newest post for help but can't seem to attach it here. Are you able to take a look? sorry i just know that you are very good at formulas. Many thanks


I'm sorry I'm over a year late but i stopped using this mail account for some time. I didn't get any notifications. Please message me directly if there's anything I can do to help. I promise I'll regularly check this mailbox.