@SUM not working

Copper Contributor

I learned Excel waaaay back.  I have always typed in my formulas as @SUM and not =SUM.

For some reason the @ version is not currently working.  Did Microsoft phase this out?  I can't find anything on the web about it.

24 Replies


I am with you. I learned Excel way, way back and up until today I've been able to use @Sum, too. My computer ran an update this morning and suddenly @Sum didn't work anymore. Thanks for posting this question. You saved me a lot of time trying to figure out what I was doing wrong.  I see from the replies to you that I have to use =Sum. I've never seen that before. 

Live & learn!





that solved it - thanx 🙂
The Lotus Translation feature, which allowed the "@" symbol to function as the "=" sign in Excel, has been deprecated, with the default setting now disabling it. This modification may elicit a sense of irony, as an individual within the Microsoft organization may have sought to inject humor into the situation.

The process for reactivating the Lotus Translation feature is outlined in the provided reference. However, it has a notable drawback; it does not persistently remain enabled, as indicated in the accompanying text.


Notably, some users, particularly those with a long-standing history of utilizing Lotus 1-2-3 predating the emergence of Excel, have grown accustomed to employing the "@" symbol for formula entry. Consequently, the enforced transition to the "=" sign can be seen as a significant departure from a practice ingrained over four decades. The abrupt shift imposed by Microsoft, altering a familiar convention, may understandably be met with frustration and bewilderment among users.

The abrupt shift imposed by Microsoft, altering a familiar convention, may understandably be met with frustration and bewilderment among users. Some may view this change as indicative of Microsoft's self-centered and egotistical approach, seemingly disregarding the long-standing user preferences and established industry conventions in favor of imposing their own standards. This departure from accommodating user habits underscores a broader trend in the tech industry, where software giants occasionally prioritize their corporate agendas over the user experience and preserving legacy practices.

@sherrema I just googled this because @sum in Excel just stopped working for me...  goes back to Lotus 123 for me too.  I have go admit that =sum probably makes more sense.

@KarinJeske I know- I’ve started every formula with @ since the mid 80s.  It’s been over two months since I’ve had to try to change.  I still find myself starting with @ multiple times every day.  Crazy how difficult it has been.  I wonder how many of us old school Lotus converts are still around and struggling with this.  😎