Structured References behaviour issue

Copper Contributor

Hi community!

I am following a tutorial where the author, after having created a table, refers to one of the columns' data with the following structured command: =Table[Column]. Doing that, all the data are listed from this formula cell and expands below.




When I try to do the same, it returns only the value from the same row where I typed the formula. And if I type this formula under the Table it returns #VALUE as there is no table data on this row. And this leads me to wrong output when used in other tabs referring to this table for some data processing.



I haven't manage to find any related information on Google. If you had any tips, thanks :)


1 Reply

Hi @Badoumba 


Quite strange issue. If you haven't found the reason yet could you post your workbook please?

(If you're not yet allowed to post a file here, upload & share it i.e. with OneDrive, Google Drive or any other file sharing service)